Since April 2008, last amended in July 2017
Pillar Domestic data policies |
Sub-pillar Framework for data protection
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 14 April 2008 No. 58 on Personal Information (КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН МЫЙЗАМЫ Жеке мүнөздөгү маалымат жөнүндө 2008-жылдын 14-апрелиндеги № 58)
Law No. 58 on Personal Information provides a comprehensive regime of data protection in the Kyrgyz Republic. The Law provides general requirements for data controllers and processors. There is not yet a data protection authority and thus there has yet to be any enforcement action related to the data protection or further guidance on compliance.
Coverage Horizontal
Since June 2014, last amended in November 2022
Pillar Domestic data policies |
Sub-pillar Minimum period for data retention
Instruction on the Procedure for Interaction of Telecommunication Operators and Mobile Cellular Operators with State Bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic Carrying Out Operational-Search Activities (НУСКАМА Электр байланышынын операторлорунун жана мобилдүү уюктук байланыштын операторлорунун изин суутпай издөө ишин жүзөгө ашырган Кыргыз Республикасынын мамлекеттик органдары менен өз ара аракетинин тартиби жөнүндө)
Section 15 of the "Instruction on the Procedure for Interaction of Telecommunication Operators and Mobile Cellular Operators with State Bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic Carrying Out Operational-Search Activities" requires ISPs and mobile service providers to store subscribers’ metadata for up to three years.
Coverage ISPs and mobile service providers
Since April 2008, last amended in July 2017
Pillar Cross-border data policies |
Sub-pillar Conditional flow regime
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 14 April 2008 No. 58 on Personal Information (КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН МЫЙЗАМЫ Жеке мүнөздөгү маалымат жөнүндө 2008-жылдын 14-апрелиндеги № 58)
Pursuant to Art. 25 of the Law No. 58 on Personal Information, the cross-border transfer of personal data is permitted in the case where a personal data holder located within the Kyrgyz jurisdiction transfers such databases on the basis of an international agreement between the parties, according to which the receiving party provides an adequate level of protection of the rights and freedoms of personal data subjects. If a certain country does not provide an adequate level of protection of personal data, personal data may be transferred in the following cases:
- with the consent of a data subject for such transfer;
- where such a transfer is necessary for the protection of a data subject's interest; or
- where personal data is contained in a publicly available array of personal data.
It should be emphasized that in the case of transferring personal data via the internet, the personal data holder transferring such data shall ensure that data is transferred with the necessary means of protection.
- with the consent of a data subject for such transfer;
- where such a transfer is necessary for the protection of a data subject's interest; or
- where personal data is contained in a publicly available array of personal data.
It should be emphasized that in the case of transferring personal data via the internet, the personal data holder transferring such data shall ensure that data is transferred with the necessary means of protection.
Coverage Horizontal
Pillar Cross-border data policies |
Sub-pillar Participation in trade agreements committing to open cross-border data flows
Lack of participation in agreements with binding commitments on data flows
The Kyrgyz Republic has not joined any agreement with binding commitments to open transfers of data across borders.
Coverage Horizontal
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Presence of an independent telecom authority
Lack of an independent telecom authority
The Ministry of Digital Development's Service for the Regulation and Supervision of the Communications Sector is the telecommunications authority of the Kyrgyz Republic. It is reported that its decision-making process is not independent of the government.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Functional/accounting separation for operators with significant market power
Lack of mandatory functional and accounting separation for dominant network operators
The Kyrgyz Republic does not mandate functional or accounting separation for operators with significant market power (SMP) in the telecom market.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Since December 2019, last amended in January 2023
Since March 1998, last amended in August 2023
Since March 1998, last amended in August 2023
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Other restrictions to operate in the telecom market
Regulation on Licensing of Activities in the Field of Electric and Postal Communications, approved by Government Resolution No. 746 (ЖОБО Электр жана почта байланышы жаатындагы ишти лицензиялоо жөнүндө. № 746 токтомуна)
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 31 on Electric Communication (КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН МЫЙЗАМЫ No. 31 Электр байланышы жөнүндө)
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 31 on Electric Communication (КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН МЫЙЗАМЫ No. 31 Электр байланышы жөнүндө)
The Regulation on Licensing of Activities in the Field of Electric and Postal Communications governs the procedure for issuance, reissuance, suspension, renewal and cancellation of licenses for activities in the field of electronic communications. The regime is generally non-discriminatory although the licensing regime for Kyrgyztelecom Open Joint Stock Company (Kyrgyz Telecom OJSC) has some potentially restrictive obligations contained in Law No. 31 on Electric Communication. Art. 13 of this law designates Kyrgyz Telecom OJSC as a national telecommunications operator and provider of public telecommunications services and defines obligations and rights that Kyrgyz Telecom's licence must contain. Among these are the obligation to: (i) provide public telecommunications services to any person in any part of the Kyrgyz Republic where it is technically or economically possible and to justify the refusal or inability to provide services; (ii) develop a public telecommunications network; and (iii) manage national long-distance and international telecommunications services. The licence must also establish a procedure for regulating prices for the use of networks and services provided by Kyrgyz Telecom on an exclusive basis. While Kyrgyz Telecom is currently a state-owned enterprise, Art. 16 extends these obligations also to private entities that would participate in the privatisation of Kyrgyz Telecom or other public telecommunications network operator or public telecommunications service provider owned or controlled by the state.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Since April 1999
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Signature of the WTO Telecom Reference Paper
WTO Telecom Reference Paper
The Kyrgyz Republic has appended the World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecom Reference Paper to its schedule of commitments.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Reported in 2023
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Passive infrastructure sharing obligation
Requirement of passive infrastructure sharing
There is an obligation for passive infrastructure sharing in the country to deliver telecom services to end users. It is practiced in the mobile sector and in the fixed sector based on commercial agreements.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Reported in 2023
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Presence of shares owned by the government in telecom companies
Presence of shares owned by the government in the telecom sector
The government owns shares in certain telecom companies. In particular, Alfa Telecom is fully owned by the State of Kyrgyzstan, while for Kyrgyztelecom Open Joint Stock Company (Kyrgyz Telecom OJSC) the ownership structure consists of 77.8% owned by the Ministry of Digital Development, 12.5% by the Social Fund and the remaining shares are owned by private individuals and entities.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
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Since May 2002, entry into force in August 2002
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Signature of the WIPO Performances and Phonogram Treaty
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
Kyrgyz Republic has ratified the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Performances and Phonograms Treaty.
Coverage Horizontal
Since March 1998, last amended in August 2018
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Mandatory disclosure of business trade secrets such as algorithms or source code
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 27 about Trade Secrets (КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН МЫЙЗАМЫ 1998-жылдын 30-арты N 27 Коммерциялык сыр жөнүндө)
Art. 11.2 of the Law No. 27 of the Kyrgyz Republic states that State control and law enforcement bodies have the right to familiarize themselves with the information considered to be commercial secrets within the limits of their competence in accordance with the powers of control and supervision granted to them by law. Access to commercial secrets is provided to the financial intelligence agency in accordance with the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of combating the financing of terrorist activity and the legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds.
Nevertheless, Art. 11.3 and Art. 11.4 establish that obtaining documents containing information considered to be commercial secrets shall be carried out only with the sanction of the prosecutor or his/her deputy and in accordance with the procedure agreed with the head of the relevant institution. Obtaining documents is carried out according to the reasoned decision of the investigator. Officials of these bodies shall be held liable as provided by law for disclosing information constituting a commercial secret of an economic entity.
Nevertheless, Art. 11.3 and Art. 11.4 establish that obtaining documents containing information considered to be commercial secrets shall be carried out only with the sanction of the prosecutor or his/her deputy and in accordance with the procedure agreed with the head of the relevant institution. Obtaining documents is carried out according to the reasoned decision of the investigator. Officials of these bodies shall be held liable as provided by law for disclosing information constituting a commercial secret of an economic entity.
Coverage Horizontal
Since March 1998, last amended in August 2018
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Effective protection covering trade secrets
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 27 about Trade Secrets (КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН МЫЙЗАМЫ 1998-жылдын 30-арты N 27 Коммерциялык сыр жөнүндө)
Law No. 27 of the Kyrgyz Republic provides a framework for effective protection of trade secrets.
Coverage Horizontal
Reported in 2023
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Enforcement of copyright online
Lack of effective enforcement of copyright
It is reported that IPR enforcement is lax and there have been no successful prosecution for IPR violations in the history of the Kyrgyz Republic. It is also reported that the judicial system remains underdeveloped and lacks independence and the appeals process can be lengthy.
Coverage Horizontal
Since September 1998, entry into force in March 2002
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Adoption of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty
WIPO Copyright Treaty
Kyrgyz Republic has ratified the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty.
Coverage Horizontal