Since June 1996, last amended in June 2018
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Copyright law with clear exceptions
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6-I of June 10, 1996, on Copyright and Related Rights
Kazakhstan has a copyright regime under Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6-I of June 10, 1996, on Copyright and Related Rights. However, the exceptions do not follow the fair use or fair dealing model, therefore limiting the lawful use of copyrighted work by others. Arts. 18-27 list the exceptions, which include the quotation, in the original language or in translation, for scientific or for research, polemic, critical or informational purposes and to the extent justified by the intended purpose; the reproduction, broadcasting or communication to the public by cable of architectural works, photographic works or works of fine art permanently located in a public; among others.
Coverage Horizontal
Reported in 2018, last reported in 2022
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Enforcement of copyright online
Lack of adequate enforcement of copyright online
Copyright is not adequately enforced online in Kazakhstan. It is reported that foreign companies complain of inadequate IPR protection. Judges, customs officials, and police officers lack IPR expertise, which exacerbates weak IPR enforcement. In addition, it is reported that the rate of unlicensed software installation in the country was 74% in 2017 (above the 57% rate of the Central and Eastern European countries), for an estimated commercial value of USD 62 million. In addition, it is reported that online piracy is still a concern, particularly through piracy devices and applications, illegal recording and unlicensed use of software.
Coverage Horizontal
- https://gss.bsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2018_BSA_GSS_InBrief_US.pdf
- https://kaztag.kz/en/news/level-of-piracy-in-software-field-makes-74-in-kazakhstan
- https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-investment-climate-statements/kazakhstan/#:~:text=Kazakhstan%20has%20attracted%20significant%20foreign,the%20oil%20and%20gas%20sector.
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Since December 1991
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Participation in the Patent Cooperation Treaty
Patent Cooperation Treaty
Kazakhstan is a party to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
Coverage Horizontal
Since April 2004, last amended in December 2022
Since March 2015, as amended in July 2019, last amended September 2022
Since January 2015, last amended in October 2022
Since March 2015, as amended in July 2019, last amended September 2022
Since January 2015, last amended in October 2022
Pillar Foreign Direct Investment in sectors relevant to digital trade |
Sub-pillar Commercial presence requirement for digital services providers
Law On the regulation of trading activities No. 544
Order On approval of the rules of domestic trade No. 264
Order On approval of the notification templates and the rules for submission of notifications by state authorities No. 4
Order On approval of the rules of domestic trade No. 264
Order On approval of the notification templates and the rules for submission of notifications by state authorities No. 4
In accordance with subparagraph 4-1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 544, the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan ordered the approval of the Rules of Domestic Trade (Order No. 264). Arts. 105-1 and 106-1 of the Rules mandate e-commerce sellers to indicate their BIN (business identification number), address of business operations on the territory of Kazakhstan and mobile telephone number registered in Kazakhstan in order to operate in the country. Additional information on this requirement is found in Annex 3-10 of Order No. 4.
Coverage E-commerce sellers
Since July 1999
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Practical or legal restrictions related to the application process for patents
Patent law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to Art. 38 of the Patent law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign individuals, foreign legal entities and stateless persons residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan enjoy the same rights as the Kazakhstani citizens. However, under Article 36.5 of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, natural persons residing outside the Republic of Kazakhstan or foreign legal entities shall exercise their rights as patent applicants and patentees, as well as the rights of interested person in the authorized body and its organizations, through local patent attorneys. Pursuant to Art. 1 of the Law, patent agents are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have the right to represent natural and legal persons before the authorized body and expert agency.
Coverage Horizontal
Since January 2012
Pillar Foreign Direct Investment in sectors relevant to digital trade |
Sub-pillar Screening of investment and acquisitions
Law No. 527-IV On national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to Art. 23.6.7 of the Law on National Security, it shall be prohibited that foreigners, stateless persons, and foreign legal entities to directly and (or) indirectly own, use, dispose of and (or) manage cumulatively in excess of 49% of the voting shares, as well as stakes, units of a legal entity engaged in telecommunications as a long-distance and (or) international telecommunications operator, possessing land (cable, including fiber optic, radio relay) communication lines with no positive decision of the Government of Kazakhstan based on the opinion of the authorised body regulating the field of communications, agreed with the national security agencies. It is reported that, in practice, foreign investors must obtain a government waiver for the acquisition of more than 49% of shares in a company providing telecommunication services.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Signatory of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) with coverage of the most relevant services sectors (CPC752, 754, 84)
Lack of participation in the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA)
Kazakhstan is not a party to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). However, the country has been an observer of the WTO GPA since 2016.
Coverage Horizontal
Since January 2016
Since July 1999
Since July 1999
Pillar Foreign Direct Investment in sectors relevant to digital trade |
Sub-pillar Maximum foreign equity share
Government Resolution No.13 on Certain Matters Pertaining to the Implementation of State Support of Investments
Law No. 451-I on Mass Media
Law No. 451-I on Mass Media
According to Government Resolution No. 13 dated January 2016 on Certain Matters Pertaining to the Implementation of State Support of Investments, production of digital goods such as computers, electronic and optical products is identified as a priority area for implementation of foreign investment projects, among others and are therefore subject to investment preferences. However, certain restrictions still exist in sectors related to digital economy. For instance, in accordance with Art. 5 of the Law on Mass Media, foreigners and foreign legal entities as well as stateless persons cannot directly and (or) indirectly own, use, dispose and (or) manage more than 20% of the shares of a legal entity which is the owner of a mass media organization in Kazakhstan or carries out activities in this area, including online mass media. This requirement does not apply to internet resources intended for electronic commerce.
Coverage Online mass media
Since January 2016
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
Law No. 434-V on Public Procurement
According to Art. 14 of the Law on Public Procurement, with regard to the goods originating in foreign countries and works, services, respectively performed by foreign potential suppliers, the national treatment is applied only in cases and upon conditions stipulated by international treaties ratified by Kazakhstan. The Law prescribes that the Government of Kazakhstan shall have the right to establish exemptions from the national treatment for a period not exceeding two years in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, ensure the country's defense and national security, protect the domestic market, develop the national economy and support domestic producers.
Coverage Horizontal
Since January 2016
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
Law No. 434-V on Public Procurement
Art. 39.3 of the Law on Public Procurement provides that with regard to purchase of periodicals on electronic carriers as well as purchase of information provision services by international and (or) foreign information organizations can be carried out through single source method whereby the government decides on the supplier not through a tender process but an ad hoc decision. This is allowed to take place when a tender fails to lead to the conclusion of a public procurement contract. The decisions on single-sourcing are reported to be not transparent nor competitive and to provide opportunities for corruption practices where only the companies known to the contracting authorities will be the successful ones.
Coverage Electronic carriers, information services
Reported in 2019 and 2020
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
Complaints on public procurement
It is reported that there are difficulties in practice to apply to public tenders, for example due to the structure of Kazakhstan's e-procurement system. Moreover, there seems to be a general push to support local suppliers through public purchases. It is also reported that the requirement of a digital signature certificate for foreign bidders negatively affects the principle of open eligibility.
Coverage Horizontal
- https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/c11183ae-en/1/2/1/index.html?itemId=/content/publication/c11183ae-en&_csp_=e3396f039b4c40f0a76c2ce0fe7d29a9&itemIGO=oecd&itemContentType=book#section-d1e216
- https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2020/05/26/more-unified-approach-to-public-procurement-needed-to-boost-kazakhstans-economic-recovery
Since November 2015, last amended in June 2021
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
Law No. 418-V ZRK on Informatization (Об информатизации)
According to Art. 7.6 of the Informatization Law, the central executive body carrying out state regulation in the field of electronic industry orders the creation of a unified register of trusted software and electronic products. According to Art. 54.3.1, for the purposes of state security, only such approved software may be used for public procurement, as well as for critical objects of information and communication infrastructure, both state or private and including the telecommunication infrastructure.
Coverage Software
Since November 2015, last amended in June 2021
Since March 2018
Since March 2018
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Surrender of patents, source code or trade secrets to win public tenders /Restrictions on technology standards for public tenders
Law No. 418-V ZRK on Informatization (Об информатизации)
Order of the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 53/НК on approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a register of trusted software and electronics industry products, as well as criteria for including software and electronics industry products in the register of trusted software and electronics industry products
Order of the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 53/НК on approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a register of trusted software and electronics industry products, as well as criteria for including software and electronics industry products in the register of trusted software and electronics industry products
According to Art. 7.6 of the Informatization Law, the central executive body carrying out state regulation in the field of electronic industry orders the creation of a unified register of trusted software and electronic products. According to Art. 54.3.1, for the purposes of state security, only such approved software may be used for public procurement, as well as for critical objects of state and private information and communication infrastructures, including telecommunication infrastructures. To become part of the register, the software applicant must transfer: (i) source program codes for accounting and storage; (ii) source program codes (if any) and; (iii) a set of configurations for the licensed software of "e-government" information technology objects, as stated paragraphs 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Order of the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 53/НК (Rules for the formation and maintenance of a register of trusted products of the electronics and software industry, as well as the criteria for including products of the electronics industry and trusted software in the register of trusted products of the electronics and software industry).
Coverage Software
Pillar Tariffs and trade defence measures applied on ICT goods |
Sub-pillar Participation in the WTO Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and 2015 expansion (ITA II)
Lack of participation in Information Technology Agreement Expansion Agreement (ITA II)
Kazakhstan is a signatory of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Information Technology Agreement (ITA) of 1996, but is not a signatory of its 2015 expansion (ITA II).
Coverage ICT goods
ITA signatory?
Pillar Tariffs and trade defence measures applied on ICT goods |
Sub-pillar Effective tariff rate on ICT goods (applied weighted average)
Effective tariff rate to ICT goods (applied weighted average)
Coverage rate of zero-tariffs on ICT goods (%)
Coverage: Digital goods