Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Ratification of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
Lack of ratification of the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
The CAR has signed but not ratified the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts.
Coverage Horizontal
Pillar Cross-border data policies |
Sub-pillar Participation in trade agreements committing to open cross-border data flows
Lack of binding commitment on data flows
CAR has not signed any agreement with binding commitments on data transfer across-border.
Coverage Horizontal
Pillar Domestic data policies |
Sub-pillar Framework for data protection
Lack of comprehensive legal framework for data protection
The Central African Republic does not have a comprehensive data protection law. However, there is a sectoral law that applies to the telecommunications sector. Law No. 18.002 of January 2018 governing electronic telecommunications mentions the protection of the privacy of users of electronic communication networks and services (Arts. 112-115) and the protection of personal data (Arts. 116-126).
Coverage Horizontal
Pillar Intermediary liability |
Sub-pillar Safe harbour for intermediaries for copyright infringement
Lack of intermediary liability framework in place for copyright infringements
It is reported that a basic legal framework for intermediary liability for copyright infringement is absent in The Central African Republic's law and jurisprudence.
Coverage Internet intermediaries
Pillar Intermediary liability |
Sub-pillar Safe harbour for intermediaries for any activity other than copyright infringement
Lack of intermediary liability framework in place beyond copyright infringements
It is reported that a basic legal framework for intermediary liability beyond copyright infringement is absent in The Central African Republic's law and jurisprudence.
Coverage Internet intermediaries
Since January 2018
Pillar Intermediary liability |
Sub-pillar User identity requirement
Law No. 18.002 Governing Electronic Communications in the Central African Republic (Loi No. 18.002 Régissant les Communications Électroniques en République Centrafricaine)
According to Art. 61 of Law No. 18.002, telecom operators must identify all their subscribers. It is reported that there has been an identity requirement for SIM cards since 2014.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
- https://web.archive.org/web/20221116070521/https://www.arcep.cf/images/textes/lois/Loi_18_002_regissant_les_communications_electroniques_en_RCA.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230123124352/https://www.gsma.com/mobilefordevelopment/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Digital-Identity-Access-to-Mobile-Services-and-Proof-of-Identity-2021_SPREADs.pdf
Since January 2018
Pillar Quantitative trade restrictions for ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other import restrictions, including non-transparent/discriminatory import procedures
Law No. 18.002 Governing Electronic Communications in the Central African Republic (Loi No. 18.002 Régissant les Communications Électroniques en République Centrafricaine)
According to Law No. 18.002, the introduction of satellite telephones into the country is subject to authorisation by the competent authorities. According to Art. 62 of the law, any sale of a satellite phone must be reported to the regulatory authority along with the buyer's details.
Coverage Satellite phones
Since January 2018
Pillar Quantitative trade restrictions for ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other import restrictions, including non-transparent/discriminatory import procedures
Law No. 18.002 Governing Electronic Communications in the Central African Republic (Loi No. 18.002 Régissant les Communications Électroniques en République Centrafricaine)
According to Art. 147 of Law No. 18.002, the importation of cryptology equipment without prior authorisation is subject to a penalty of between one and five million CFA francs (approx. USD 1,760 - 8,810), imprisonment of between one and three months, or both.
Coverage Cryptology equipment
Since January 2018
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Functional/accounting separation for operators with significant market power
Law No. 18.002 Governing Electronic Communications in the Central African Republic (Loi No. 18.002 Régissant les Communications Électroniques en République Centrafricaine)
According to Law No. 18.002, the regulatory authorities may impose accounting separation concerning certain activities in the field of interconnection and/or access for the dominant operator (Art. 50). It is also reported that the Central African Republic imposes functional and accounting separation for operators with significant market power (SMP) in the telecommunications sector.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Signature of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecom Reference Paper
Lack of appendment of WTO Telecom Reference Paper to schedule of commitments
The CAR has not appended the World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecom Reference Paper to its schedule of commitments.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Since May 2017, entry into force in January 2018
Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition |
Sub-pillar Presence of an independent telecom authority
Law No. 17.020 of May 2017 Establishing the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts in CAR (Loi No. 17.020 de Mai 2017 Portant Création de l'Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes en RCA)
According to Art. 2 of Law No. 17-020, the Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory Authority (ARCEP), the executive authority for the supervision and administration of services in the telecommunications sector, is independent from the government in the decision-making process.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
Since December 2016
Pillar Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in sectors relevant to digital trade |
Sub-pillar Screening of investment and acquisitions
Law No. 16.006 of 30 December 2016 on the Commercial Code in CAR (Loi No. 16.006 du 30 Décembre 2016 Portant Code du Commerce en RCA)
According to Art. 4 of Law No. 16-006 on the Commercial Code in the CAR, any commercial company with foreign capital should have prior approval unless its head office is established in the CAR and at least 51% of the capital is effectively or indirectly held by natural persons of Central African nationality. Art. 17 stipulates that if the planned activity is subject to specific regulations, authorisation can only be given after a favourable technical opinion from the Ministry responsible for the activity.
Coverage Horizontal
Since January 2014
Pillar Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in sectors relevant to digital trade |
Sub-pillar Screening of investment and acquisitions
Revised Uniform Act on the Law of Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Groups (Acte uniforme révisé relatif au droit des sociétés commerciales et du groupement d'intérêt économique)
According to the Revised Uniform Act on the Law of Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Groups, adopted by the organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) and directly applicable and binding in the Central African Republic, the amount of the share capital is freely determined by the partners. However, the Uniform Act sets a minimum share capital of 10,000,000 CFA Francs (approx. USD 16,800) for certain companies (Arts. 65 and 387).
Coverage Horizontal
- https://web.archive.org/web/20240225091615/https://www.droit-afrique.com/upload/doc/ohada/Ohada-Acte-Uniforme-2014-Societes-commerciales-GIE.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20190819102622/http://www.rmkassocies.org/UniFichiers/Public/Pdf/gkefBaEl20160209153350.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20240304224402/https://www.memoireonline.com/01/10/3132/m_Le-capital-social-dans-les-societes-commerciales-OHADA12.html
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Since February 1999, entry into force in February 2002, last amended in December 2015
Since December 2019, entry into force in March 2020
Since December 2019, entry into force in March 2020
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Practical or legal restrictions related to the application process for patents
Bangui Agreement Relating to the Creation of an African Intellectual Property Organization, Constituting a Revision of the Agreement Relating to the Creation of an African and Malagasy Office of Industrial Property (Bangui (Central African Republic), 2 March 1977) (Accord de Bangui relatif à la création d'une organization Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle, constituant révision de l'Accord relatif à la création d'un Office Africain et Malgache de la Propriété Industrielle (Bangui (République centrafricaine), le 2 mars 1977)
Regulations on the profession of Authorised Agent before the African Intellectual Property Organization (Règlement sur la profession de Mandataire agréé auprès de l'organization Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle)
Regulations on the profession of Authorised Agent before the African Intellectual Property Organization (Règlement sur la profession de Mandataire agréé auprès de l'organization Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle)
According to the Bangui Agreement, ratified by 17 French-speaking States, including the Central African Republic, applicants resident outside the territory of the Member States must file through an agent selected in one of those Member States (Section III, Art. 8). The professional status of agent accredited to the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) is governed by the Regulations on the Profession of Authorised Agent before the OAPI.
Coverage Horizontal
- https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text/582620
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230922235427/http://www.oapi.int/Ressources/reglement_mandataire/REGLEMENT_PROFESSION_MANDATAIRE.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20220120063358/http://www.droit-afrique.com/upload/doc/oapi/OAPI-Guide-depot-brevet.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20231206045355/https://pctlegal.wipo.int/eGuide/view-doc.xhtml?doc-code=CF&doc-lang=en#GENERAL%20INFO
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Since January 1978
Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) |
Sub-pillar Participation in the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
The CAR is a party to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
Coverage Horizontal