Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Signatory of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) with coverage of the most relevant services sectors (CPC752, 754, 84)
Lack of participation in the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA)
Costa Rica is not a party to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA). However, the country has been an observer of the WTO GPA since 2015.
Coverage Horizontal
Since August 2008, last amended December 2019
Since May 1998, last amended in May 2021
Since May 1998, last amended in May 2021
Pillar Foreign Direct Investment in sectors relevant to digital trade |
Sub-pillar Maximum foreign equity share
Law on Strengthening and Modernization of Public Entities in the Telecommunications Sector, Law No. 8,660 (Ley No. 8.660 de Fortalecimiento y Modernización de las Entidades Públicas del Sector Telecomunicaciones)
Law No. 7789 Transformation of Public Service Company of Heredia (Ley No. 7789 Transformación de la Empresa de Servicios Públicos de Heredia ESPH)
Law No. 7789 Transformation of Public Service Company of Heredia (Ley No. 7789 Transformación de la Empresa de Servicios Públicos de Heredia ESPH)
The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) is a fully state-owned enterprise and acquisition of shares need to be approved through special laws.
Moreover, according to Art. 15 of Law No. 7789, foreign participation in public or private telecommunication companies entering into joint ventures with the state-owned Heredia Public Services Company (ESPH) is limited to a maximum of 49% of the capital stock.
Moreover, according to Art. 15 of Law No. 7789, foreign participation in public or private telecommunication companies entering into joint ventures with the state-owned Heredia Public Services Company (ESPH) is limited to a maximum of 49% of the capital stock.
Coverage Telecommunications sector
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Since December 2022
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
General Public Procurement Law No. 9,986 (Ley General de Contratación Pública No. 9.986)
There are some reports of worries regarding the implementation of the General Public Procurement Law No. 9,986. First, the law introduces within its provisions the fines for reckless appeals (among other procedural remedies), a pecuniary sanction not contemplated in the Administrative Contracting Law, the purpose of which is to try to dissuade those who file a reckless objection, revocation, or appeal appeals, in bad faith or in abuse of procedural rights, in order to discourage dilatory practices that affect the public interest. Yet, there are concerns that there is a degree of subjectivity as the administration assesses which procedural remedies presented against it are considered reckless under Art. 93.
Secondly, there are concerns about the rigid informatic system for filing procedural remedies. The Law establishes that for the filling of a procedural resource against the administration in public procurement, this must be carried out electronically (Art. 95).
Lastly, according to Art. 103, contractors or bidders must verify their compliance with the legality of the public procurement process. This verification is reported to be burdensome for bidders and it has been argued that it does not follow the principle of legitimate reliance in the administration (in that the public administration should exercise the power of its own acts and invalidate those that are illegal).
Secondly, there are concerns about the rigid informatic system for filing procedural remedies. The Law establishes that for the filling of a procedural resource against the administration in public procurement, this must be carried out electronically (Art. 95).
Lastly, according to Art. 103, contractors or bidders must verify their compliance with the legality of the public procurement process. This verification is reported to be burdensome for bidders and it has been argued that it does not follow the principle of legitimate reliance in the administration (in that the public administration should exercise the power of its own acts and invalidate those that are illegal).
Coverage Horizontal
Reported in 2021
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
Complaints about lack of transparency in public procurement
Some foreign companies have indicated that the private sector is sometimes disadvantaged in public bids when competing against Costa Rican state-owned enterprises in the ICT sector. Certain purchases are made directly from suppliers that have been pre-qualified and pre-registered with government entities and, in general, public procurement still lacks transparency. There are plans to migrate the system, making SICOP ("Sistema Integrado de Compras Públicas") the primary platform used for public procurement; but it is unclear when, or if, this complete system migration will occur.
Coverage Horizontal
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Since May 1995, last amended in February 2022, until December 2022
Since December 2022
Since December 2022
Pillar Public procurement of ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Other limitations on foreign participation in public procurement
Public Contracting Law No. 7,494 - also referred to as the Law on Administrative Contracting (Ley de la Contratación Administrativa, No. 7.494)
General Public Procurement Law No. 9,986 (Ley General de Contratación Pública No. 9.986)
General Public Procurement Law No. 9,986 (Ley General de Contratación Pública No. 9.986)
Art. 2 of the Public Contracting Law allows for the non-competitive awarding of contracts to public entities (also termed “direct purchase”) if officials of the awarding entity certify the award to be an efficient use of public funds. The Information and Telecommunications Business Chamber (CAMTIC) has been advocating against what its members feel to be unfair use by government entities of this article. Telecoms and technology sector companies have called attention to the fact that government agencies often choose state-owned enterprises as their telecom services providers despite the availability of private sector telecom companies. Starting from December 2022, the Public Contracting Law No. 7,494 has been replaced by the General Public Procurement Law No. 9,986, which does not contain this provision.
Coverage Horizontal
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Since March 1997
Since December 2015
Since December 2015
Pillar Tariffs and trade defence measures applied on ICT goods |
Sub-pillar Participation in the WTO Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and 2015 expansion (ITA II)
Information Technology Agreement (ITA)
ITA Expansion Agreement (ITA II)
ITA Expansion Agreement (ITA II)
Costa Rica is a signatory of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Information Technology Agreement (ITA) of 1996 and its 2015 expansion (ITA II).
Coverage ICT goods
ITA signatory?
Pillar Tariffs and trade defence measures applied on ICT goods |
Sub-pillar Effective tariff rate on ICT goods (applied weighted average)
Effective tariff rate to ICT goods (applied weighted average)
Coverage rate of zero-tariffs on ICT goods (%)
Coverage: Digital goods
Since 2012
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Adoption of UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures
UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures
Colombia has adopted national legislation based on or influenced by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Electronic Signatures.
Coverage Horizontal
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Ratification of the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
Lack of ratification of the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
Colombia has signed but not ratified the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts.
Coverage Horizontal
Since 1999
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Adoption of UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce
Colombia has adopted national legislation based on or influenced by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Electronic Commerce.
Coverage Horizontal
Since October 2011, last amended in August 2018
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Framework for consumer protection applicable to online commerce
Law No. 1,480 Consumer Statute (Ley No. 1480 Estatuto del Consumidor)
Law No. 1,480 provides a comprehensive framework for consumer protection that also applies to online transactions.
Coverage Horizontal
Since September 2006
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Restrictions on online payments
Resolution No. 3,596
According to Art. 4 of Resolution No. 3,596 in the case of sales made through the Internet (virtual payment), airlines and travel agencies may charge an administrative fee different from the fees enshrined in the Resolution, provided that they inform the fee and the sales conditions to the aeronautical authority. This rule provides a different regime for online payments in the aeronautical realm and it has been suggested that this may hamper purchases online.
Coverage Online payments
Since August 2020
Since July 2019
Since September 2021
Since July 2019
Since September 2021
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Threshold for ‘De Minimis’ rule
Decree No. 1,090 Adds a paragraph to article 261 of Decree 1165 of 2019 (Decreto 1090 Por el cual se adiciona un parágrafo al artículo 261 del Decreto 1165 de 2019)
Decree No. 1,165 Establishes provisions related to the Customs Regime in the development of Law No. 1,609 of 2013 (Decreto No. 1165 Por el cual se dictan disposiciones relativas al Régimen de Aduanas en desarrollo de la Ley 1609 de 2013)
Law No. 2,155 Issues the social investment law and other provisions (Ley No. 2155 Por medio de la cual se expide la ley de inversión social y se dictan otras disposiciones)
Decree No. 1,165 Establishes provisions related to the Customs Regime in the development of Law No. 1,609 of 2013 (Decreto No. 1165 Por el cual se dictan disposiciones relativas al Régimen de Aduanas en desarrollo de la Ley 1609 de 2013)
Law No. 2,155 Issues the social investment law and other provisions (Ley No. 2155 Por medio de la cual se expide la ley de inversión social y se dictan otras disposiciones)
Decree No. 1,090 implements the de minimis value threshold provisions agreed in the United States–Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement establishing that shipments made under the modality of sending postal traffic and urgent shipments for a value less than or equal to USD 200 do not pay any duty (Art. 1 of this Decree modified Art. 261 of Decree No. 1,165). Yet, following Art. 53 of Law No. 2,155, this regime only applies to goods from countries with which Colombia has a free trade agreement including de minimis commitments and only if the goods are not for commercial purposes.
Coverage Horizontal
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Since December 2000
Pillar Online sales and transactions |
Sub-pillar Licensing scheme for e-commerce providers
Law No. 633 of 2000 (Ley No. 633 de 2000)
According to Art. 91 of Law No. 633, any webpage of Colombian origin that dedicates its activity to e-commerce must be registered in the commercial registry and provide the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) with information of economic transactions.
Coverage Horizontal
Since August 2015
Since February 2007
Since February 2007
Pillar Technical standards applied to ICT goods and online services |
Sub-pillar Self-certification for product safety
Decree No. 1,595 Dictates regulations related to the National Quality Subsystem (Decreto 1595 Por el cual se dictan normas relativas al Subsistema Nacional de la Calidad […])
Circular No. 60 Describes the technical requirements for the homologation process implemented for landline, satellite phones and cell phones (Resolución No. 60 Normas técnicas y requisitos para homologación de teléfonos fijos de mesa y pared, satelitales, celulares-TMC y de Servicios de Comunicación Personal, PCS)
Circular No. 60 Describes the technical requirements for the homologation process implemented for landline, satellite phones and cell phones (Resolución No. 60 Normas técnicas y requisitos para homologación de teléfonos fijos de mesa y pared, satelitales, celulares-TMC y de Servicios de Comunicación Personal, PCS)
Section 9 of Decree No. 1,595 regulates the conformity assessment procedure. There is mandatory certification of cellular devices.
According to Art. of the Decree, the country accepts a Self-Declaration of Conformity (SDoC). However, a testing laboratory recognized by the regulator ICONTEC (“Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación”) must test the equipment and the supplier must register the equipment with the regulator.
Circular No. 060 deals with safety levels regarding human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, and lists the following products to be homologated: Fixed-wireline desktop and wall-mounted, Cellular-mobile, Cellular-fixed, PCS-mobile, PCS-fixed, Dual-Cellular PCS, Satellite.
According to Art. of the Decree, the country accepts a Self-Declaration of Conformity (SDoC). However, a testing laboratory recognized by the regulator ICONTEC (“Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación”) must test the equipment and the supplier must register the equipment with the regulator.
Circular No. 060 deals with safety levels regarding human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, and lists the following products to be homologated: Fixed-wireline desktop and wall-mounted, Cellular-mobile, Cellular-fixed, PCS-mobile, PCS-fixed, Dual-Cellular PCS, Satellite.
Coverage Certain ICT products
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