
Browse Database


Reported in 2024

Pillar Content access  |  Sub-pillar Presence of Internet shutdowns
Presence of Internet shutdowns
The indicator "6.2.4 - Government Internet shut down in practice" of the V-Dem Dataset, which measures whether the government has the technical capacity to actively make internet service cease, thus interrupting domestic access to the internet or whether the government has decided to do so, has a score of 2 in the DRC for the year 2023. This corresponds to "The government shut down domestic access to the Internet several times this year."
Coverage Horizontal


Reported in 2017

Pillar Quantitative trade restrictions for ICT goods and online services  |  Sub-pillar Other import restrictions, including non-transparent/discriminatory import procedures
Discriminatory import licensing schemes
It is reported that any economic operator wishing to engage in commercial activity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including foreign trade, must:
- obtain a national identity number (IDNat) from the Ministry responsible for the national economy;
- be registered and enrolled in the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register maintained by the Ministry responsible for justice, as a company or natural person;
- be registered in the index of the National Centre for Statistics and Economic Studies; and
- obtain a unique identifier from the Directorate-General of Taxation.
To carry out import/export operations, the trader must obtain an import/export number from the Ministry responsible for trade, whose relevant services operate outside the Single Window for Business Startups. The import/export number has to be renewed annually. These conditions are the same for DRC nationals and foreigners.
Coverage Horizontal


Since April 2017

Pillar Technical standards applied to ICT goods and online services  |  Sub-pillar Self-certification for product safety
Ministerial Decree No. 003/CAB/MIN.COM.EXT/2017 of 3 April 2017 Approving the Pre-Shipment Verification Contract for Imports into the Democratic Republic of Congo Between the OCC and Bureau Veritas BIVAC (Décret Ministériel No. 003/CAB/MIN.COM.EXT/2017 du 3 avril 2017 Approuvant le Contrat de Vérification Avant Embarquement des Importations en République Démocratique du Congo Entre l’OCC et Bureau Veritas BIVAC)
A product covered by a certificate of conformity with the standards or technical regulations in force may still be subject to a conformity check when it is imported into the DRC, unless there is either a mutual recognition agreement or an explicit collaboration between the body that carried out the conformity assessment abroad and the Congolese Control Office (OCC). Even in the case of such an agreement or collaboration, the OCC may carry out the check again if it considers that, among other things, risks of deterioration of the product are possible during its transport.
Coverage All products with an FOB value above USD 2,500; Re-imports in the state; Postal parcels without commercial value


Since November 2020, entry into force in September 2021
Since February 1961

Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition  |  Sub-pillar Other restrictions to operate in the telecom market
Law No. 20/017 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (Loi No. 20/017 du 25 novembre 2020 relative aux Télécommunications et aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication)

Decree-Law 1-61 of February 25, 1961 relating to State Security Measures. - Right of Search, Internment and Surveillance (Décret- Loi 1-61 du 25 février 1961 relatif aux mesures de sûreté de l'État. - Droit de perquisition, d'internement et de mise sous surveillance)
According to Art. 22 of Law No. 20/017, any natural or legal person governed by Congolese law may provide telecommunications services, provided they fulfil the following conditions: (i) have a residence, domicile, or registered head office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; (ii) provide proof of registration in the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register (RCCM); and (iii) demonstrate the technical and financial capacity to operate under the scheme applied for.
Art. 91 of Law No. 20/017, which resembles Art. 50 of the repealed Law No. 013/2002 on Telecommunications states that intermediaries must cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigations. The refusal to grant the request of the authority may lead to the temporary or definitive withdrawal of the operating license or other penalties. This buttresses Art. 4 of Decree-Law 1-61, which provides that when it is a matter of national security, refusal to cooperate with law enforcement implies complicity and a "presumption of guilt".
Coverage Telecommunications sector


Since November 2020, entry into force in September 2021
Since June 2018

Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition  |  Sub-pillar Other restrictions to operate in the telecom market
Law No. 20/017 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (Loi No. 20/017 du 25 novembre 2020 relative aux Télécommunications et aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication)

Ministerial Order No. 011/CAB/M-CM/LOM/2018 Modifying and Completing Order No. 04/MIP/020/96 of 26 November 1996 on Measures Applicable to Law No. 96-002 of 22 June 1996 Fixing Modalities for the Exercise of Freedom of the Press (Arrêté Ministériel No. 011/CAB/M-CM/LOM/2018 Modifiant et Complétant l’Arrêté No. 04/MIP/020/96 du 26 Novembre 1996 Portant Mesures d’Application de la Loi No. 96-002 du 22 Juin 1996 Fixant les Modalités de l’Exercice de la Liberté de Presse)
With the Law No. 20/017 of 2020, which governs the telecommunications sector, the government is given the power to take over the means of communication in the interest of national security. Art. 125 provides that the State may prohibit the use of telecommunication facilities, in full or in part, for any period of time, as it deems fit, in the interests of public security or national defence, the public telecommunications service, or for any other reason. In June 2018, the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Information signed a Ministerial Order strengthening the control of online media (Ministerial Order No 011/CAB/M-CM/LOM/2018).
Coverage Telecommunications sector



Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition  |  Sub-pillar Signature of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecom Reference Paper
Partial appendment of WTO Telecom Reference Paper to schedule of commitments
The Democratic Republic of Congo has only partially appended the World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecom Reference Paper to its schedule of commitments.
Coverage Telecommunications sector



Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition  |  Sub-pillar Presence of an independent telecom authority
Presence of independent telecom authority
It is reported that the Post and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ARPTC), the executive authority for the supervision and administration of services in the telecommunications sector, is independent from the government in the decision-making process.
Coverage Telecommunications sector


Since November 2020, entry into force in September 2021

Pillar Cross-border data policies  |  Sub-pillar Ban to transfer and local processing requirement
Law No. 20/017 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (Loi No. 20/017 du 25 novembre 2020 relative aux Télécommunications et aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication)
Art. 132 of Law No. 20/017 provides that the collection, recording, processing, storage and transmission of personal data shall be carried out with the authorisation of the user concerned or of the competent public authority. The definition of processing in Art. 4 encompasses the transfer of data. Moreover, it is prohibited the collection and processing of personal data revealing the racial, ethnic or regional origin, parentage, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sex life, genetic data or, more generally, data relating to the state of health of the person concerned.
Art. 2 states that Law No. 20/017 applies to the various activities of the telecommunications and information and communication technologies sector on national territory, and it also applies to any processing of personal data by a natural person or legal entity under public or private law and by the public sector.
Coverage Horizontal



Pillar Cross-border data policies  |  Sub-pillar Participation in trade agreements committing to open cross-border data flows
Lack of participation in agreements with binding commitments on data flows
The Democratic Republic of Congo has not joined any free trade agreement committing to open transfers of cross-border data flows.
Coverage Horizontal



Pillar Domestic data policies  |  Sub-pillar Framework for data protection
Lack of comprehensive data protection framework
DRC lacks a comprehensive legislative framework on data protection. However, there is a sectoral regulation. Decision No. 016/ARPTC/CLG/2006 of the College of the Regulatory Authority of Post and Telecommunications of Congo mandates operators to take necessary measures to guarantee the respect of essential requirements and, in particular, the protection of data, including personal data, privacy and confidentiality of information treated, transferred and stored (Art. 9). In addition, the Law No. 20/017 of 25 November 2020 related to telecommunications and Information and Communications Technology provides that any treatment of personal data shall be done with the consent of the concerned user or on the requisition of the state prosecutor (Articles 131) and "The collection, registration, treatment, storage and transfer of personal data shall be done upon authorisation of the concerned user or competent public authority as stipulated in Article 126 of the present law" (Art. 132).
Coverage Horizontal



Pillar Intermediary liability  |  Sub-pillar Safe harbour for intermediaries for copyright infringement
Lack of intermediary liability framework in place for copyright infringements
A basic legal framework on intermediary liability for copyright infringement is absent in DRC's law and jurisprudence.
Coverage Internet intermediaries



Pillar Intermediary liability  |  Sub-pillar Safe harbour for intermediaries for any activity other than copyright infringement
Lack of intermediary liability framework in place beyond copyright infringements
A basic legal framework on intermediary liability beyond copyright infringement is absent in DRC's law and jurisprudence.
Coverage Internet intermediaries



Pillar Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)  |  Sub-pillar Effective protection covering trade secrets
Lack of regulatory framework covering trade secrets
The DRC lacks a comprehensive regime for the protection of trade secrets.
Coverage Horizontal



Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition  |  Sub-pillar Passive infrastructure sharing obligation
Requirement of passive infrastructure sharing
It is reported that there is an obligation for passive infrastructure sharing in the Democratic Republic of Congo to deliver telecom services to end users. It is practised in both the mobile and fixed sectors based on commercial agreements.
Coverage Telecommunications sector


Since November 2020, entry into force in September 2021

Pillar Telecom infrastructure & competition  |  Sub-pillar Maximum foreign equity share for investment in the telecommunication sector
Law No. 20/017 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (Loi No. 20/017 du 25 novembre 2020 relative aux Télécommunications et aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication)
According to Art. 40 of Law No. 20/017 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies, the legal entity benefiting from a licence must adopt the form of a Société Anonyme (‘S.A’). Without prejudice to agreements and conventions to which the Congolese State is a party, at least thirty per cent (30%) of the share capital of the aforementioned company must be allocated as follows:
- At least 25% must be held by Congolese natural or legal persons whose shares are owned by Congolese natural persons. This subscription must be paid within three years of the company’s incorporation.
- 5% is reserved for Congolese employees of the company.
In the event that the 30% threshold mentioned above is not met, the company may still be incorporated, provided the share reserved for Congolese workers is guaranteed.
Coverage Telecommunications sector

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